If you love a sweet, fruity, and gassy weed strain, then Apple Fritter could be your next favorite consumable. Chances are you’ve seen it on dispensary menus. Apple Fritter buds appear thick and dense, with a somewhat foxtail look to them. Their color tends to be dark green with dark purple spots throughout the buds as well as a thick coat of trichomes. If you haven’t tried Apple Fritter yet, you should. Here’s why. 

A nug of cannabis flower from the Apple Fritter Strain sits against a white background.


Apple Fritter, developed by Lumpy's Flowers, is a balanced 50% Indica / 50% Sativa hybrid strain renowned for its sweet, apple pastry-like aroma and flavor. This hybrid uniquely combines a cerebral, creativity-boosting Sativa effect with the relaxing, physical ease of an Indica, without causing heavy sedation. It's favored for stress relief and pain management, offering a balanced experience for both recreational and medicinal users.

Lumpy's Flowers crossed Sour Apple with Animal Cookies to create the Apple Fritter strain, sometimes called Apple Fritters. This resulted in dense, trichome-coated buds with dark green and purple shades. The hybrid strain is potent and has led to the creation of other popular strains, such as Apple Runtz and Cherry Pie. 


You’ll find that a lot of users report the Apple Fritter smell as a mixture of apple, cheese, and butter. Hence the name. So, obviously, this is a dessert strain of sorts.

Upon consumption, the taste of an apple-flavored dessert will coat your mouth. You will also taste a somewhat sweet and earthy gassiness that will satisfy any cannabis connoisseur’s palate.

Apple Fritter’s terpene profile weaves together peppery cinnamon notes of caryophyllene, the hoppy presence of humulene, citrus touches of limonene, and the flowery, herbal scent of terpinolene, which you also find present in sage, rosemary, and nutmeg, to name a few. In fact, terpinolene is also present in apple conifer trees, potentially explaining the connection to a strain like Apple Fritter.

A disposable weed pen with distillate derived from the Apple Fritter strain stands outside its black box.



The Apple Fritter weed strain is distinguished by its robust cannabinoid profile, contributing to its popularity and effects. Here’s what you need to know about its chemical makeup:

  • THC Level: Apple Fritter is known for its high THC content, typically ranging between 22% and 28%. The high THC content drives the strain's strong effects, appealing to seasoned users.
  • CBD and Other Cannabinoids: Apple Fritter's CBD levels are low, common in THC-heavy strains, but they also include minor amounts of other cannabinoids like CBN and CBG. These contribute to the entourage effect, potentially enhancing the therapeutic benefits of the strain.  
A weed vape pod with premium THC distillate from the Apple Fritter strain stands next to its white box.



Each cannabis strain can affect us all differently based on several factors. Those factors are physical makeup, experience with cannabis, tolerance levels, and so much more. So when you’re asking how Apple Fritter feels, the simple answer is that you’ll have to try it and see first.

That said, Apple Fritter often gives both a head and body high. You may feel your thoughts slowing down as your body begins to relax, inspiring you to lay back and enjoy the calmer moments of life.


Apple Fritter Strain Characteristics

Indica or Sativa?

Balanced - 50% Indica / 50% Sativa


Cerebral, creativity-boosting effects with a sedating body high

THC Level


Dominant Terpenes

Caryophyllene, Limonene, Humulene, and Terpinolene

Taste & Smell

A mixture of apple, cheese, and butter flavors with earthy notes

Lineage & Genetics

Sour Apple + Animal Cookies

Similar Strains

Apple Runtz, Cherry Pie, Birthday Cake, and The Original Z



The Apple Fritter weed strain has fascinating genetic roots. It is a hybrid created from breeding Sour Apple and Animal Cookies. Let's look at these parent strains to understand their influence on Apple Fritter's characteristics and unique qualities.



Sour Apple is a Sativa-dominant hybrid strain popular due to its unique flavor, similar to a crisp green apple. It is celebrated for its energizing and uplifting effects, giving a creative boost or a jolt of energy.

  • THC Level: 16-22% 
  • Indica/Sativa Ratio: 80% Indica / 20% Sativa
  • Dominant Terpenes: myrcene, caryophyllene and pinene.
  • Parent Strains: Cinderella 99 and Sour Diesel
  • Profile: Sour Apple is popular due to its tart flavor, which contributes significantly to the Apple Fritter's flavor and experience.
  • Growth Characteristics: Sour Apple's growth pattern is characterized by its adaptability and resilience, which benefit Apple Fritter's cultivation. Sour Apple's ability to thrive in various environments has likely been passed down to Apple Fritter, enhancing its robustness.
  • Effects on Users: Predominantly offering a cerebral high, Sour Apple imparts a sense of euphoria and mental stimulation. This aspect of Sour Apple contributes to the energetic and uplifting part of Apple Fritter's high.


In stark contrast, Animal Cookies leans heavily towards the Indica side. Known for its deeply relaxing and soothing effects, this strain is a go-to for those seeking relief from stress and physical discomfort. This strain boasts dense, resin-coated buds that are rich in flavor and THC content. Its growth pattern is characterized by compact, bushy plants that yield sticky, trichome-rich buds.

  • THC Level: 20-27% 
  • Indica/Sativa Ratio: 75% Indica / 25% Sativa
  • Dominant Terpenes: caryophyllene, limonene and myrcene.
  • Parent Strains: Girl Scout Cookies and Fire OG
  • Profile: With its soothing effects, Animal Cookies lends a more Indica-like quality to Apple Fritter.
  • Flavor and Aroma: This parent strain is noted for its rich flavor and aroma, enhancing Apple Fritter's overall sensory appeal.
  • Potency: Animal Cookies is recognized for its high THC levels, a trait that Apple Fritter has undoubtedly inherited.


Apple Fritter is a unique hybrid that perfectly blends the characteristics of its parent strains, Sour Apple and Animal Cookies. The strain stands out with its distinct flavor profile, combining Sour Apple's tartness with the sweet, earthy taste of Animal Cookies. This results in a delightful mix of crisp apple and buttery undertones.

In terms of cultivation, Apple Fritter benefits from the resilience of Sour Apple and the high-quality bud production of Animal Cookies. Its buds are dense and resin-rich, with a beautiful mix of dark green and purple hues. The THC content is potent yet manageable, thanks to the influence of both parent strains, making it suitable for both new and experienced users. The terpene blend, including caryophyllene and limonene, adds complexity to its flavor and aroma. 



Apple Fritter is known for its powerfully relaxing high, making users feel warm, comfortable, and happy. It's a favorite daytime strain for unwinding in the afternoon, especially after work. Its ability to facilitate emotional openness makes it a great choice for social interactions. Beyond aiding in productivity, it's known for potential therapeutic benefits.


Apple Fritter has gained attention for its potential therapeutic benefits due to its unique blend of cannabinoids and terpenes. These compounds work together to address various medical conditions:

  • Stress and Anxiety Management: Apple Fritter's high THC content may be effective in providing relief from stress and anxiety. THC tends to relax and uplift, helping those with anxiety. Caryophyllene, a terpene, aids in stress relief through its interaction with the endocannabinoid system.
  • Pain Relief: One of the most significant therapeutic uses of Apple Fritter is pain management. The strong pain-relieving qualities, thanks to THC and caryophyllene, make it suitable for chronic pain relief. It's effective against pain from arthritis, neuropathy, and migraines.
  • Mood Disorders: For individuals dealing with mood disorders such as depression, Apple Fritter can be particularly beneficial. The uplifting effects of limonene, coupled with THC's mood-enhancing properties, may help improve overall mental well-being and combat depressive symptoms.
  • Sleep Aid: Many users use Apple Fritter as a natural sleep aid. Its relaxing Indica effects, heightened by terpenes like myrcene, can help induce a state of calm and promote better sleep quality. This makes it suitable for those with insomnia or irregular sleep patterns.
  • Appetite Stimulation: Apple Fritter may also be effective in stimulating appetite, a common therapeutic use of cannabis. THC's ability to enhance sensory experiences can make food more appealing, which is beneficial for individuals experiencing loss of appetite due to medical treatments or other health conditions.
  • Anti-inflammatory Effects: Anti-inflammatory terpenes like caryophyllene and THC contribute to the strain's ability to reduce inflammation. This can be particularly helpful in managing conditions characterized by inflammation, such as certain autoimmune diseases.


Terpenes are crucial in defining the Apple Fritter strain's flavor, aroma, and effects. Let's explore the main terpenes in the strain and how they affect the Apple Fritter experience:

 Popular Cannabis Terpenes Infographic


The Apple Fritter weed strain enjoys widespread popularity in recreational cannabis circles, not just for its potent effects but also for its social and experiential qualities.

  • Social Gatherings: Euphoric and uplifting, this strain is great for parties, enhancing joy and camaraderie. It eases social anxiety, fostering open, lively conversations.
  • Creativity and Focus: Favored by artists and writers, it boosts creativity and focus, ideal for brainstorming and creative projects.
  • Relaxation and Leisure: Perfect for winding down, it's suited for relaxing activities like listening to music or watching films, providing a stress-free escape.


Apple Fritter needs a controlled environment with accurate temperature and lighting management when grown indoors. It is best grown under HID or LED lighting systems. Indoor cultivators planning to grow this strain can benefit from techniques such as Sea of Green or Screen of Green. We'll touch on those points in the latter sections.

On the other hand, when grown indoors, Apple Fritter thrives in sheltered environments, particularly in warm and sunny areas. Growers should protect the plant from extreme weather to ensure optimal bud and growth development.

The flowering time for the Apple Fritter weed strain varies based on specific growing conditions. However, its typical flowering time is about 8 to 11 weeks. As for the yield, the strain can produce up to 1.6 ounces per square foot in an indoor setup. This yield can increase when grown outdoors under ideal conditions.


Apple Fritter thrives in environments that provide a balance of conditions suitable for both Indica and Sativa varieties. Knowing the strain's lineage can help cultivators create the ideal growing conditions.

  • Ideal Conditions: Apple Fritter thrives in a moderate climate with consistent temperatures. It's crucial to control humidity levels to prevent mold and mildew, particularly keeping it lower during the flowering stage to boost trichome production. This strain benefits from strong and consistent lighting, with LED or HID systems ideal for enhancing growth and bud development.
  • Cultivation Techniques: Utilizing the Sea of Green (SOG) method, where several small plants are grown close together, maximizes space and lighting efficiency, making it a great fit for Apple Fritter. Alternatively, the Screen of Green (ScrOG) method uses a screen to encourage horizontal growth, allowing for better light penetration and air circulation, benefiting Apple Fritter's dense bud structure.
  • Soil and Nutrients: Apple Fritter requires well-aerated, nutrient-rich soil with a balanced pH level for optimal nutrient absorption. During the vegetative stage, a higher nitrogen concentration is necessary for healthy leaf and stem growth, while phosphorus and potassium become more important for bud development during the flowering stage.
  • Watering Schedule: Maintaining a consistent watering schedule is essential. The soil should remain moist but not waterlogged, as overwatering can cause root issues, and underwatering can stress the plant.
  • Pruning and Training: Regular pruning is vital to manage the plant’s shape and size, promoting better air circulation and light exposure to lower branches. Employing Low-Stress Training (LST) by gently bending and tying down branches helps create a more even canopy, ensuring effective light distribution. This technique encourages healthier growth and potentially larger yields, with the added benefit of being less stressful for the plant.
  • Pest and Disease Management: Maintain a clean environment and use natural pesticides or beneficial insects like ladybugs for pest control.
  • Harvest Timing: Monitor trichome color to determine the best harvest time for optimal potency and flavor. Harvest when most are milky with some amber for the best balance of potency and flavor.  


The Apple Fritter strain is a unique hybrid, blending the qualities of Sour Apple and Animal Cookies, and is known for its high THC levels and balanced Indica-Sativa effects. It offers a complex terpene profile that contributes to its distinctive apple-like taste and aroma and potential therapeutic benefits for stress, pain, and mood disorders.

When consuming any cannabis strain, but especially Apple Fritter, make sure to only get it from legal dispensaries that sell reputable brands. It will ensure the best possible experience. 

Curious about other weed strains? Learn more about the White Durban and Wedding Cake strains.


Apple Fritter is a hybrid strain, which means it has characteristics of both Indica and Sativa. It provides a balanced blend of relaxing Indica effects and uplifting Sativa effects, making it versatile for different users and purposes.

Apple Fritter can be an upper and downer due to its hybrid nature. It offers uplifting and euphoric effects typical of Sativa strains and the relaxing and calming effects commonly associated with Indica strains.

Yes, the Apple Fritter strain is considered good for anxiety. Its balanced effects can provide relaxation and stress relief, which are beneficial for managing anxiety. However, individual reactions may vary, and starting with a low dose is essential.

Apple Fritter was created by Lumpy’s Flowers and is a cross between Sour Apple and Animal Cookies. It has become famous for its potent effects and unique flavor profile. The strain's balanced nature has made it a popular choice among cannabis enthusiasts.

Yes. Apple Fritter is considered a good strain, especially for those seeking a balance of Indica and Sativa effects. Its high THC content, unique taste, and versatility for both recreational and medicinal use contribute to its popularity in the cannabis community.